Wednesday, February 06, 2008

In my "In Box" • The Powers That Be


I just received another complaint that you have been smoking in your performance area . The Store Managers was very upset because the cigar smoke goes into their store. Hilltop operations got many calls and they sent out various emails that got back to me.

This issue needs to be resolved, I have asked you once before not to smoke in the performance area. Please review the street performer handbook you will also see it says there.

Please be aware as the third time of notice I will have to suspend you for the month .

Thank You


Timmy Jimmy said...

HAHAHA, you just can't stay out of trouble can you! :)
Now I am seeing Buster in you! Haha..
I bet you had your school teachers tearing out their hair!

Unknown said...

"The Street Performers Handbook"?


Is that like the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?"???


My $$$ says Tom gets suspended within the month!

who wants in on the pool?

10 days? 20 days?