Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Days are flying by, as weeks turn into months.

Day after perfect day, the sun shines in the blue sky and it's usually in the 70's by 10 or 11AM.

Really so much has happened in the last week or so, it's been busy in paradise.

Polly's good friend Dack was here. He was visiting from Northern California. They've been friends for two decades and at one point lived together in Hawaii where they were both hair dressers in a Salon. Polly had to work while Dack was in town, so we got a chance to get to know one and other. Nice guy and strangely familiar. The more we talked, the more things we realized we saw eye to eye. . . . which is strange, cause on some things. . . I'm coming from left field.

So, that was fun.

Polly had a birthday. She was celebrating the 21st Anniversary of her 21st Birthday! Way to go Polly! Happy Birthday Baby!

Other News in Pollywood

Polly Lucke

She's done with Big Love and not a moment too soon. A show season is a grueling period of time for someone stuck on set or on location for 12-16 hours a day. It's inevitable that by the end of the season people are stripped to the bone and on edge. Tension in the last week made things awkward in a bunch of different departments, both interdepartmentally and across the board. I went out to the Studio in Santa Clarita on the last day of shooting and enjoyed a delicious lunch of prime rib, shrimp and crab. Lots of good grub and a feeling among the cast and crew that it was over for the season.

Show business ROCKS!!! So many different pieces of the puzzle. I feel so lucky to be here.

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