Saturday, August 18, 2007


Decided to escape the heat one afternoon last week, Thursday. . . I think, anyway I headed to Santa Monica to take a walk on the beach and enjoy the cool ocean breeze. I was going to grab a bite at the Promenade before my walk and ran into a street performing buddy, a magician from the east coast named Kozmo.

I watched him do a set, I thought he did a nice job. I shot some video of his act and a little interview footage. I’ve been trying to shoot more and get familiar with my camera. I’ve had it 4 months now, but don’t feel like I’m using it enough.

I think I’m a good cameraman for magic, I know the tricks and where their heading so it’s easy for me to anticipate where the camera needs to be and when. How to frame it so that you can get the magic and the audience reaction in the same shot (easier to do with street acts that perform in the round).

I liked talking to Koz about street performing. We both care deeply about the art we create and present on the street. You can say whatever you want about guys like us. . . bottom line, we pay our bills with hard-earned money we make as street magicians.

We talked about tricks, video, Cellini, Gazzo and a bunch of other topics.

I told him not to be a stranger, gave him my card and said goodbye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Follow along with Koz. He will point the right direction.