Sunday, August 28, 2011

Birthday email to Liam Price Frank

(never know if he gets my e-mails)

Dear Liam,

How's the big, bad 10 year old!? Did you get my birthday message? Were you able to print out your Toys R Us gift certificate that should have been emailed to your mom? Please let me know if you got that? If you didn't, I can look into it and see what happened.

So! How was your summer? What did you do? Are you back in school yet? Where are you going to school these days? What's up at home? Are you happy? Do you like being a big brother? I'll bet your a great big brother and a big help around the house.

I love you son, and would love to hear from you and be a part of your life. Give me a call or email me? Do you guys use Skype on the computer with the web cam? I sure would like to see your smiling face on my computer screen or in person! How about sending me a current picture of yourself, you must be getting tall!

Not seeing you or being a part of your life really sucks. But, that's they way your mother wants it. Such is life. I hope you know that I love you very much and look forward to a time in your life where we can get to know each other and be in each others lives. I really really really look forward to that day. . . . and it WILL come.

Sending you much love from sunny California

your loving exiled Father

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