Sunday, February 08, 2009

SCPA Alumni Mixer in Los Angeles

Last night Polly and I went downtown to a cool club to hang with some old friends from high school. We found out about the mixer from FaceBook only last week and were excited to go out on a Saturday Night and share our memories of the old days in Cincinnati. A few of the people live here and work in the industry, and some were just visiting. It was a small but exuberant group. It was very interesting to hear what everyone had been up to for the last quarter century. To be honest these were people I barely knew, Polly knew them much better. While these fine folks were getting their education in the class room, I was skipping school, reading magic books and practicing my art off campus. Of the many schools I was kicked out of SCPA was my favorite.

Click Pics to enlarge • A good time was had by all

Click HERE to see more pics from last night

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